The Football Feed

NFL announces impending moments of silence before games

The NFL stands with Israel after the shocking terror attacks against them.

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

The National Football league is planning to show solidarity with Israel after the deadly Hamas terrorist attacks that rocked the Middle Eastern nation over the weekend. Over 700 people have died, including a handful of American citizens. 

And in a show of solidarity, the National Football League will be observing moments of silence to remember the victims of the horrifying terrorism prior to their upcoming games.

'The NFL mourns the loss of innocent lives in Israel and strongly condemns all forms of terrorism,' the league wrote on social media on Monday.

'The depravity of these acts is beyond comprehension, and we grieve with the families of those killed, injured and still missing. We pray for peace and will alwyas stand against the evils of hate.'

The Washington Commanders wrote the following: 

'We stand with the people of Israel and join them in mourning the hundreds of innocent lives lost to terrorism at the hands of Hamas.'

The Miami Dolphins posted the following message: 

'We condemn these acts of terrorism against Israel and pray for those suffering. We stand in support of the people of Israel.'

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