The Football Feed

Aaron Rodgers demands legalization of psychedelics!

Just groovy, man!

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers spoke at a psychedelics conference in Denver this week, where he pushed for the legalization of substances that can cause hallucinations based on his own experiences. 

Rodgers has already been outspoken about his use of a plant-based psychedelic that he credits for having helped him continue playing at a high level called ayahuasca. The plant can cause “a dream-like state and hallucinations, making you feel your emotions very intensely”. Additionally, it promotes “a conscious state of mindfulness that lets you examine your thoughts and emotions from the outside". 

"Is it not ironic that the things that actually expand your mind are illegal and the things that keep you in the lower chakras and dumb you down have been legal for centuries?" said Rodgers.

Rodgers also explained that several of his fellow professional athletes have reached out to him in support, while ripping the "bums" who criticized him.

"The response from other people in the sports industry has been incredible," he said. "To see basketball players and baseball players and surfers, entertainers and my own teammates and colleagues across the league reach out and either share their story about their own medicine journey or ask to be a part of an upcoming one was pretty special."

"Because I guarantee you all these bums who want to come after me online about my experience and stuff, they've never tried it," he added. "They're the perfect people for it. We need to get these people taking it."

"[I want to] change the conversation by dispelling these archaic myths about the dangers of [psychedelics] or the negative side effects ... and start to share the actual wisdom and truth about it."

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Source: ESPN