The Football Feed

CB Danon Arnette wants to play for Cowboys!

Will he agree to a deal?

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

NFL cornerback Damon Arnette found himself in a world of legal trouble, having just resolved a felony gun case by pleading guilty. He reportedly waved a gun “in a threatening manner” towards employees at a Vegas strip club valet stand in January of 2022, and has also faced drug charges; the courthouse in Las Vegas has ordered him to never involve himself in firearms again. 

“I’ve learned a lot. I’m remorseful about everything,” the 26-year-old Arnette told reporters. “I appreciate and respect another opportunity. I’m a better man than I was.”

And after leaving, he implied that he was on the verge of meeting with the Dallas Cowboys. 

“If I’m blessed enough to get another chance in the NFL, then I’m going to kill that," he said as he was departing. 

Is this the kind of player that the Cowboys would want within their organization?

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