The Football Feed

Patrick Mahomes Sr. faces a decade in prison!

Don't do the crime next time!

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

Patrick Mahomes Sr., the father of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, was arrested in February for driving under the influence. And as if that weren't bad enough, this isn't the first occasion that its happened. In fact, this now marks his 3rd DUI arrest. 

And because it's his third conviction, he's facing the possibility of not only a $10,000 fine but up to a decade behind bars.

The arrest came one week before the younger Mahomes and the Chiefs defeated the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl. 

The elder Mahomes had previously spent 40 days in a county jail after an arrest for DWI in 2018, and also faced charges after a car accident in 1994. Additionally, he was arrested for public intoxication in 2016 during a game between Texas Christian University (TCU) and Texas Tech. 

Not only is he setting a terrible example, but he's also showing a blatant disregard for the safety and well-being of others when he decides to operate a vehicle while under the influence. 

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Source: Twitter