The Football Feed

Report: Colin Kaepernick may get a job after all

But not in the NFL.......

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

Former NFL quarterback-turned-activist Colin Kaepernick has yet to find a team interested enough in him to offer him a contract, and that list now includes the New York Jets, to whom he wrote a letter essentially begging them to sign him after the catastrophic injury to Aaron Rodgers. 

However, it appears as though Kaepernick could be on the verge of securing a job - but not in the NFL. The Canadian Football League's BC Lions have placed Kaepernick on their negotiation list Thursday, according to TSN's Farhan Lalji.

For those who may be a bit unfamiliar with how things are done north of the border in terms of a negotiation list, take a look below at the following description: 

"The negotiation list requires that once a player says he wants to come to the CFL, a team has 10 days to offer him the minimum contract of two years at $53,000 per season," TSN's Dave Naylor said in 2018. "By doing so, the team retains his rights for another calendar year..."

Kaepernick says that he wanted a chance, and this may be the only one that someone is willing to give him. Will he be taking it? 

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Source: Twitter