The Football Feed

Steelers' Kwon Alexander rips the NFL

He's telling it like it is!

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Kwon Alexander is taking the NFL to task for what he believes is a crackdown on legal tackling. 

In Alexander's words, he thinks the NFL is committing financial suicide and coming closer and closer to flag football thanks to the new tackling rules that have been instituted recently!

"I had spoken to someone from the league offices in 2016. Who told me then, he thought the league would move to flag in 10-15 years. It sounds like financial suicide but with the direction tackling rules are going, I’m starting to believe it."

"They're making it hard for us. I don't really know what the game is coming to, for real. I don't know how to stop from tackling someone around the waist. I give it about three or four years and I think they're going to go to flag."

"How else are you going to tackle?"

You can bet that there are several of Alexander's fellow NFL players who believe the same thing! But Alexander wasn't done yet, continuing with the following: 

“I just hope they don’t fine anybody for that stuff. We’ve got families to feed,” he said. “They’ve got to slow that down.”

"You can get hurt at any time doing this, trying to stop somebody from making a tackle like that, it’s going to be hard. … I don’t even know a technique to make that tackle (another way). If it happens, it happens. You could be at any angle trying to tackle somebody — you can’t go high. Where are you going to be able to go?"

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