The Football Feed

Video shows Packers fans cheering Aaron Rodgers' injury

Not a good look for these folks.

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

By now, you've surely heard the news that New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers sustained a season-ending (and potentially career ending) Achilles injury during last night's Monday Night Football game against the Buffalo Bills at MetLife Stadium.

The injury occurred just four plays into his first offensive series as a member of the Jets, to whom he was dealt after having played several years with the Green Bay Packers. But while most of the sports world is lamenting the injury for Rodgers, one particular video is painting a small group of Packers fans in a bad light. 

There were a handful of fans who were watching the game at a bar in Milwaukee (the bar also ironically promised free drinks if the Jets lost the game, which they did not) who cheered went Rodgers went down with the devastating injury. 

It definitely doesn't make this small group of fans look good, cheering an injury of a player - especially one who gave them nearly two decades of top-level football.

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